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Advanced Tutorial

What to Expect from This Tutorial?

In this tutorial, you will create a table and insert a large dataset (two million rows of the New York taxi data). Then you will run queries on the dataset, including an example of how to create a dictionary and use it to perform a JOIN.


This tutorial assumes you have access to a running ClickHouse service. If not, check out the Quick Start.

1. Create a New Table

The New York City taxi data contains the details of millions of taxi rides, with columns like pickup and drop-off times and locations, cost, tip amount, tolls, payment type and so on. Let's create a table to store this data...

  1. Connect to the SQL console
SQL console

If you need a SQL client connection, your ClickHouse Cloud service has an associated web based SQL console; expand Connect to SQL console below for details.

Connect to SQL console

From your ClickHouse Cloud services list, click on a service.

Connect to SQL Console

This will redirect you to the SQL console.

SQL Console

If you are using self-managed ClickHouse you can connect to the SQL console at https://hostname:8443/play (check with your ClickHouse administrator for the details).

  1. Create the following trips table in the default database:

2. Insert the Dataset

Now that you have a table created, let's add the NYC taxi data. It is in CSV files in S3, and you can load the data from there.

  1. The following command inserts ~2,000,000 rows into your trips table from two different files in S3: trips_1.tsv.gz and trips_2.tsv.gz:

  2. Wait for the INSERT to finish - it might take a moment for the 150 MB of data to be downloaded.


    The s3 function cleverly knows how to decompress the data, and the TabSeparatedWithNames format tells ClickHouse that the data is tab-separated and also to skip the header row of each file.

  3. When the insert is finished, verify it worked:

    You should see about 2M rows (1,999,657 rows, to be precise).


    Notice how quickly and how few rows ClickHouse had to process to determine the count? You can get back the count in 0.001 seconds with only 6 rows processed.

  4. If you run a query that needs to hit every row, you will notice considerably more rows need to be processed, but the run time is still blazing fast:

    This query has to process 2M rows and return 190 values, but notice it does this in about 1 second. The pickup_ntaname column represents the name of the neighborhood in New York City where the taxi ride originated.

3. Analyze the Data

Let's run some queries to analyze the 2M rows of data...

  1. We will start with some simple calculations, like computing the average tip amount:

    The response is:

  2. This query computes the average cost based on the number of passengers:

    The passenger_count ranges from 0 to 9:

  3. Here is a query that calculates the daily number of pickups per neighborhood:

    The result looks like:

  4. This query computes the length of the trip and groups the results by that value:

    The result looks like:

  5. This query shows the number of pickups in each neighborhood, broken down by hour of the day:

    The result looks like:

  6. Let's look at rides to LaGuardia or JFK airports:

    The response is:

4. Create a Dictionary

If you are new to ClickHouse, it is important to understand how dictionaries work. A simple way of thinking about a dictionary is a mapping of key->value pairs that is stored in memory. The details and all the options for dictionaries are linked at the end of the tutorial.

  1. Let's see how to create a dictionary associated with a table in your ClickHouse service. The table and therefore the dictionary, will be based on a CSV file that contains 265 rows, one row for each neighborhood in NYC. The neighborhoods are mapped to the names of the NYC boroughs (NYC has 5 boroughs: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island), and this file counts Newark Airport (EWR) as a borough as well.

This is part of the CSV file (shown as a table for clarity). The LocationID column in the file maps to the pickup_nyct2010_gid and dropoff_nyct2010_gid columns in your trips table:

1EWRNewark AirportEWR
2QueensJamaica BayBoro Zone
3BronxAllerton/Pelham GardensBoro Zone
4ManhattanAlphabet CityYellow Zone
5Staten IslandArden HeightsBoro Zone
  1. The URL for the file is Run the following SQL, which creates a Dictionary named taxi_zone_dictionary and populates the dictionary from the CSV file in S3:

Setting LIFETIME to 0 means this dictionary will never update with its source. It is used here to not send unnecessary traffic to our S3 bucket, but in general you could specify any lifetime values you prefer.

For example:

specifies the dictionary to update after some random time between 1 and 10 seconds. (The random time is necessary in order to distribute the load on the dictionary source when updating on a large number of servers.)

  1. Verify it worked - you should get 265 rows (one row for each neighborhood):

  2. Use the dictGet function (or its variations) to retrieve a value from a dictionary. You pass in the name of the dictionary, the value you want, and the key (which in our example is the LocationID column of taxi_zone_dictionary).

    For example, the following query returns the Borough whose LocationID is 132 (which as we saw above is JFK airport):

    JFK is in Queens, and notice the time to retrieve the value is essentially 0:

  3. Use the dictHas function to see if a key is present in the dictionary. For example, the following query returns 1 (which is "true" in ClickHouse):

  4. The following query returns 0 because 4567 is not a value of LocationID in the dictionary:

  5. Use the dictGet function to retrieve a borough's name in a query. For example:

    This query sums up the number of taxi rides per borough that end at either the LaGuardia or JFK airport. The result looks like the following, and notice there are quite a few trips where the pickup neighborhood is unknown:

5. Perform a Join

Let's write some queries that join the taxi_zone_dictionary with your trips table.

  1. We can start with a simple JOIN that acts similarly to the previous airport query above:

    The response looks familiar:


    Notice the output of the above JOIN query is the same as the query before it that used dictGetOrDefault (except that the Unknown values are not included). Behind the scenes, ClickHouse is actually calling the dictGet function for the taxi_zone_dictionary dictionary, but the JOIN syntax is more familiar for SQL developers.

  2. We do not use SELECT * often in ClickHouse - you should only retrieve the columns you actually need! But it is difficult to find a query that takes a long time, so this query purposely selects every column and returns every row (except there is a built-in 10,000 row maximum in the response by default), and also does a right join of every row with the dictionary:


Well done - you made it through the tutorial, and hopefully you have a better understanding of how to use ClickHouse. Here are some options for what to do next: